Blue Monday is here. Dubbed the saddest day of the year, it’s a time where the Christmas buzz has worn off, the weather is drab, we’re all watching our spending and waiting for the next pay day. Overall, the mood tends to feel a little low. So, how do you overcome that blue feeling? Follow some of our tips, and see if they can help uplift you this Blue Monday.
Eat Well
Eating well can do a world of good, and is hugely underrated in terms of the improvements it can make to your mental wellness. For example, when you consume lots of high carb foods, your blood sugar levels can crash. This results in feeling sluggish, sad and even bad tempered. The way to combat this is to eat regularly and choose foods that release energy slowly. Slow-release energy foods include: pasta, rice, oats, wholegrain bread and cereals, nuts and seeds. If you head over to the Chatloop app, you can explore the web for recipes and foods to help you beat Blue Monday, and share your results to help others.

Change your environment
Now that Christmas is out of the way, and most people have now taken their Christmas decorations down, your home can feel a little plain and uninspiring. A simple way to boost your mood is to change up your environment. You can change up the paint colour in your living room, plan a home makeover on the Chatloop app, or even just change your desk to a new place. If you work from home or a dark corner of the office, make sure you’re getting a good amount of natural light, and think about moving your working space near a window instead. This is especially important during Winter, when all we tend to see is dark mornings and dark evenings. If this isn’t possible, consider buying a SAD lamp or adding additional lighting to your workspace.

Start a new hobby
Starting a new hobby can help beat the back-to-work January blues. It allows you to create space in your schedule for something work-free with no responsibility. It makes time for you, which is so important for keeping a positive headspace. Hobbies are actually proven to help manage stress, and research suggests that people with hobbies are less likely to suffer from low mood and depression. So, if you’ve had a hobby you’ve been dreaming of for a while; now is your time to start. If you don’t have a hobby in mind, head over to Chatloop and ask others about their hobbies, or research some online.

Spend time with others
Another great way to beat Blue Monday is to spend time with others. Studies have shown that a good social life can lower stress levels, improve mood, encourage positive behaviours and even boost your physical health. Socialising with others can help you get out of your own head, which means you’re dwelling less on the bad, and focused more on the present moment. If you’re struggling with anything, you’re also able to talk it out with friends and seek help from loved ones. Never underestimate the power of talking and spending time with others.
For more Blue Monday tips, head over to the Chatloop app on iOS and Android.