Social media can be an overwhelming place, and for many, can be a toxic place. At Chatloop, we’re looking to change that and create a more positive and purposeful social media platform. Read through to discover some of the key features of our app.
Make the web social
When we say we’re making the web social, we mean just that. If you think of your usual web experiences, they tend to be independent interactions that you do alone. Unless you hop onto a web chat or comment section, it’s hard to interact with other people on the internet. This is where Chatloop comes in. We allow our users to have conversations on any website, on any piece of content. Whether you’re on a shopping website and want to ask other people for their opinions, or on a sports website and want to discuss your own opinions. There’s so many ways to interact with Chatloop.
A Verified Community
When signing up to Chatloop, you’ll notice that we ask for you to verify your Face ID. This facial verification allows us to ensure all of our users are real. This means no bots spamming your messages, and it means we can also tackle online hate by banning users based on their face ID, making them unable to create a new account.
Alongside being able to make conversations on any website, you can also create wish lists from any website; all in one place. Gone are the days of endless bookmarks with no images, or the days of flicking between various different sites to compare everything you want. Now you can do it all in one place with a simple swipe. Just drag the wish list button onto what you want to add, and you’re done. It all collates in your Chatloop profile, which others can view too if you’d like them to. It makes shopping for yourself and others easier than ever. Browse the wishlists of your friends and family so you can be sure to get them a gift they’ll love.
Recommendation Engine
The web is a wide and extensive place, with billions of websites to be discovered. With all that information spread across the web, it can be difficult to navigate and you may find yourself browsing the same sites over and over. With the Chatloop browser, we can recommend websites to you that you may be interested in, so you can broaden your horizons.
Head to your devices app store to download the Chatloop app; available on Android and IOS.